Hi i need a char using jruby but all i have is this error:
org.jruby.embed.InvokeFailedException: java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraft.item.ItemFood cannot be cast to java.lang.Character
i'm making a mod for minecraft using jruby, i am trying make new recipes, this is the way to make this in java:
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.apple), new Object[]{
'X', //required char
'Y', //required char
this is my ruby code:
xx = 'XY'
blockStack = ItemStack.new(newBlock)
GameRegistry.addRecipe(blockStack, ["XYX", xx[0], Items.apple, xx[1], Items.redstone].to_java)
how to create java chars using ruby? i tried use .charAt() but this return a number and .toCharArray() but dont work too.
integers might be converted to chars (42.to_java(:char)
) thus try passing that in (unfortunately you'll need to know the char's ordinal representation, this is a bit annoying)