I am trying to send an email to some users but would like to use html format. I am loosing all the new lines and everything is showing as one line. Here is my current code:
string body = "Hello " + fullName + Environment.NewLine + ",";
body += "Your registration has been approved. Here is your user name and password " + Environment.NewLine ;
body += "User Name: " + usrname + Environment.NewLine;
body += "Password: " + pass + Environment.NewLine;
body += "Start Date: " + startDate + Environment.NewLine;
body += "End Date: " + EndDate + Environment.NewLine;
body += "Thanks";
string toAddr = email.ToString();
string mailMsg = body;
string subject = "Registration Approved";
string profile = "myProf";
SqlConnection execMail = new SqlConnection("Data Source=XXXXXXXXX;Initial Catalog=msdb;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxxxxxxxxx;Password=xxxxxxxxxxx");
SqlCommand exec_cmd = new SqlCommand("sp_send_dbmail");
exec_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
exec_cmd.Connection = execMail;
exec_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("profile_name", profile);
exec_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("recipients", toAddr);
// exec_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("copy_recipients", ccAddr);
// exec_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("blind_copy_recipients", bccAddr);
exec_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("body", mailMsg);
exec_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("subject", subject);
You need to put html tags in your string body, example:
string body = "<h1>Hello" + fullName + Environment.NewLine + "</h1>";
body += "<p>Your registration has been approved. Here is your user name and password " + Environment.NewLine + "</p>";
body += "<h3>User Name: " + usrname + Environment.NewLine+"</h3>";
body += "<h3>Password: " + pass + Environment.NewLine+"</h3>";
body += "<h3>Start Date: " + startDate + Environment.NewLine+"</h3>";
body += "<h3>End Date: " + EndDate + Environment.NewLine+"</h3>";
body += "<p>Thanks</p>";
then, in the parameters, you need to add:
exec_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("body_format", "HTML");
The default value is TEXT