I think I know the answer to this question already, but I'm looking for confirmation.
What I would like to do is call toString() on a variable and if null return an empty string. I know I can convert null to "null" with String(null), but that seems so ugly if I want to do something like this:
var amount = myPossiblyNullVar.toString().toFloat();
or even more simply
var amount = myPossiblyNullVar.toFloat();
Where I have defined toFloat() as
String.prototype.toFloat = function() {
var float;
float = parseFloat(this.cleanNum());
if (isNaN(float)) {
return null;
} else {
return float;
Based on what I have read, it seems that extending NULL in JavaScript is not possible. Can anyone confirm this or provide an alternative that I haven't thought of?
You do not want to modify the JavaScript null prototype.
var amount = maybeNull ? maybeNull.toFloat() : null;
If you have null propagation support (ES7)
var amount = maybeNull?.toFloat();
If maybeNull is null, ?.
will return null instead of trying to call toFloat()