I created a demo Java swing application to test that, is Orca Screen Reader(linux) can read that application. I create a JFrame window and Jbutton on Jframe and Implement Java Accessibility API and set accessible description to that JButton but orca screen can't read that button name. I also add tool-tip to that button but still Orca Screen Reader(Linux) can not read that tool-tip also.
I also created Jmenu bar and set all accessible properties but Still Orca Screen Reader can't read that menu also.
JMenu help = new JMenu("Help");
help.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription("Help Menubar");
So, can any one please tell me that what is the proper way to create Java swing applciation accessible to Orca Screen Reader.
You may need to enable the Java Accessibility Bridge (JAB) using something like this:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/jabswitch -enable
The JAB is included in Java Runtime Environments (JREs) newer than Release 7 Update 6. If you are using an older JRE you will need to install it from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jab-2-0-2-download-354311.html