I've got a fluid responsive isotope, masonry grid (also using images loaded - but not in this example), with breakpoints.
I want to remove the last gutter column, so there's no spacing on the right hand side, so it sits flush - but I can't work out the code.
I've setup an example here: http://codepen.io/mattpark22/pen/yyzKgo
The main functions are:
colWidth = function () {
$w = $container.width(),
columnNum = 1,
columnWidth = 0;
if ($w > 1400) {
columnNum = 7;
} else if ($w > 1200) {
columnNum = 6;
} else if ($w > 1000) {
columnNum = 5;
} else if ($w > 800) {
columnNum = 4;
} else if ($w > 600) {
columnNum = 3;
} else if ($w > 300) {
columnNum = 2;
columnWidth = Math.floor($w/columnNum);
$container.find('.isotope-item').each(function() {
var $item = $(this),
multiplier_w = $item.attr('class').match(/isotope-item-w(\d)/),
multiplier_h = $item.attr('class').match(/isotope-item-h(\d)/),
width = multiplier_w ? columnWidth*multiplier_w[1]-5 : columnWidth-5,
height = multiplier_h ? columnWidth*multiplier_h[1]*0.45-5 : columnWidth*0.45-5;
width: width,
height: height
return columnWidth;
isotope = function () {
resizable: false,
itemSelector: '.isotope-item',
filter: hashFilter,
masonry: {
columnWidth: colWidth(),
gutterWidth: 5
Any ideas/tips would be greatly appreciated!
With Isotope v2, the masonry gutterWidth
option was changed to gutter
isResizeBound: false,
itemSelector: '.isotope-item',
filter: hashFilter,
masonry: {
columnWidth: colWidth(),
gutter: 5
Also, the columnWidth function no longer works with Isotope v2. Use element sizing instead