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Bubblesorting Calendars

I'm having a bit of trouble bubblesorting Calendars by date, I'm not sure what's wrong with my code.

First: I have a class(named Note) which contains multiple variables and methods, one of those variables is a Calendar.

Then I have an ArrayList<aboveclass> named list containing multiple instances of the above class. I'm trying to sort list by the date of each class instance.

This is my code:

for(int i = 0; i<list.size(); i++){
    for(int x=0; x < list.size() - x - 1; x++){
            Note temp = list.get(x);
            list.set(x, list.get(x+1));
            list.set(x+1,  temp);
            System.out.println(i + " and " + x + " Switched");

Nothing is being sorted though, and that System.out.println is never going. I have also tried switching .after with .before with no differences.

Is there something I'm missing?



  • If you do not need to sort your list by a bubble sort, then you can use java.util.Collection.sort().

    Your code will become :


    You need however to make Your class (Note if I am right) implement Comparable or to create a comparator.

    Here you can find some examples.