Sorry for my bad english.
I need to print the levels of a general tree or n-ary tree.
The struct of the tree is:
struct GTnode{
int data;
nodeGT *fc; //first child
nodeGT *nb; //next brother
The difficulty of the algorithm is when you have 2 different node in the same level and each one have a child.
Editing If I have this tree for example:
2 7 8
3 6 9 12
4 5 10 11
I have to print:
2 7 8
3 6 9 12
4 5 10 11
Each endl represents a different level in the tree
Editing An idea of my code is the next:
void printLevel(GTnode *root){
GTnode *aux = root;
if(root != NULL){
cout<<end; //Print the space between levels
I know this is wrong but is just an idea of what I have.
You need to do a level-order/breadth-first traversal of the tree (wp). To do that you need a queue. Put the root in the queue. Then do this until the queue is empty: Take the first out, add its ->fc to the queue and go to its ->nb (go through all the ->nb's until there are nomore and each time you add its ->fc to the queue).