I have a GoogleMap in my project. It's set in zoom level 18. I want to draw a line that is 1 meter in length. I saw and use a code Like this:
googleMap.addCircle(new CircleOptions()
I gave it's radius in meters. how can I do it with a line?(polyLine doesn't have this options) a line with specific LatLng and specific direction(for example: Heading from north) and specific length? I can specify direction by sin and cos.. but what can I do for length of the line?
For given point there is only one circle with given radius. But with lines the situation is a bit different. For given point there are infinite number of lines starting from this points and given length. Therefore you can't simple draw such line.
One way to do it is to pick a point on the circle with radius 1 meter and center your point. Here is a good example how to calculate point on a circle with given radius. Than just draw a line between the two points.
This may help you how to find the LatLng points on the circle LatLng Points on circle on Google Map V2 in Android