I am using knockout-postbox to mark dirty flag. The code looks like this:
var ProfileModel = function() {
this.nickName = ko.observable("name1").publishOn("dirty", true);
this.emailAddress = ko.observable("email1").publishOn("dirty", true);
ko.postbox.subscribe("dirty", function(newValue) {
// enable Save button
}, this);
nickName and emailAddress are tied to input boxes.
<div id="profile">
<input data-bind="value: nickName" /> </label>
<input data-bind="value: emailAddress" /></label>
Steps to recreate the problem:
is raised and Save button is enabled.dirty
is NOT raised somehow. User cannot save the change.dirty
is raised and Save button is enabled.You can check out jsfiddle to see it in action. There is no Save button in the jsfiddle example, but just try deleting the content of nickName and then emailAddress. You will see deleting the emailAddress does not raise dirty
Is this known bug in knockout-postbox? Is there better way to check dirtyness in knockout?
By default, the publishOn
functionality of knockout-postbox
will not publish the latest value again. In your example, you are publishing an empty string for "dirty" (empty nick name) and then an empty string again (empty email).
does support passing in your own equality comparer. In your case, you could pass in a function that always returns false
For example, something like:
var alwaysPublish = function() { return false; }
var ProfileModel = function() {
this.nickName = ko.observable("Ryan").publishOn("dirty", true, alwaysPublish);
this.emailAddress = ko.observable("ryan@knockmeout.net").publishOn("dirty", true, alwaysPublish);
this.log = ko.observableArray();
Here is a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/rniemeyer/qmbwhk8a/
You can also globally override the compare function by setting ko.postbox.defaultComparer