When using web api, how does one call the proper routing methods if you use [RoutePrefix()]
Say you have something like "MyReallyLongNamedClassController". the default route would be http:...com/api/MyReallyLongNamedClass. The application then goes by methods named Get, Post, Put, etc (unless of course using verb decorators).
If I put a route prefix decorator of [RoutePrefix("api/LongClass")]
on my controller, how can I have web api still use the defaults for the methods?
Meaning, I want the method named "GetAll()" to still map to "api/LongClass" (when using a get header) and "PostThis(int id)" to still map to "api/LongClass/{id}" (when using a post header)
Here's what I did to solve the problem without having to decorate all methods with annotations. I put RoutePrefix at the class level, as well as the default Route
public class MyReallyLongNamedClass: ApiController
public string GetAll(int id)
return "result";
public string PostThis([FromBody] MyModel model)
var res= _repository.Save(model);
return res;