I have a PageList with some data, and I want to add all Date's to an array as strings. Seems easy enough but I'm kinda new to this, so anyone out there who knows how to solve this?
<EPiServer:PageList ID="PageList1" runat="server" PageLinkProperty="Root">
<h2><EPiServer:Property runat="server" PropertyName="Title" /></h2>
<EPiServer:Property runat="server" PropertyName="Date" /><br />
<EPiServer:Property runat="server" PropertyName="Content" />
<hr />
This is code that will work with any EPi verson. I know you wrote Dates as strings but I made a List of DateTimes instead.
var reference = (PageReference)CurrentPage["Root"];
var children = DataFactory.Instance.GetChildren(reference);
var list = new List<DateTime>();
foreach (PageData pd in children)