I have a very basic slideshow as follows:
<div id="slideshow">
<img class="slide" src="img/slideshow-1.png" >
<img class="slide" src="img/slideshow-2.png" >
<img class="slide" src="img/slideshow-3.png" >
var $slides = $(".slide"); //slides
var currentSlide = 0; //keep track on the current slide
var stayTime = 3; //time the slide stays
var slideTime = 1.3; //fade in / fade out time
TweenLite.set($slides.filter(":gt(0)"), {autoAlpha:0}); //we hide all images after the first one
TweenLite.delayedCall(stayTime, nextSlide); //start the slideshow
function nextSlide(){
TweenLite.to( $slides.eq(currentSlide), slideTime, {autoAlpha:0} ); //fade out the old slide
currentSlide = ++currentSlide % $slides.length; //find out the next slide
TweenLite.to( $slides.eq(currentSlide), slideTime, {autoAlpha:1} ); //fade in the next slide
TweenLite.delayedCall(stayTime, nextSlide); //wait a couple of seconds before next slide
As you see it simply shows each image for 3 seconds (stayTime) and then fades it out. Suppose I want to keep the first image for 8 seconds, the second for 6.5 seconds and the third for 3 seconds. I mean stayTime is not the same for all images. How can I achieve that in GSAP or Javascript?
A solution could be to convert stayTime
to an array, one item for each slide.
var stayTime = [8, 6.5, 3];
and then:
TweenLite.delayedCall(stayTime[currentSlide], nextSlide);