When attempting to reach a URL my code gets stuck in my readystate loop and never loads. The readystate remains at 1 permanently. If I pause the code and hit debug the cursor skips around my procedure in a bizarre order, sometimes to the end then to the beginning, sometimes right back to the beginning of the sub.
I read that this might be an issue with the javascript but I can't seem to find any resolution.
Is there a way to get this to work?
Sub Navigate()
IE.Visible = True
IE.Navigate ("http://web.vermont.org/Accounting?ysort=true")
Do While IE.ReadyState <> 4
Set Doc = IE.Document
End Sub
That server seems to respond quite nicely to XML requests and does not require that you move to subsequent pages for the remainder for the content.
Sub Get_Listings()
Dim sURL As String, iDIV As Long, htmlBDY As HTMLDocument, xmlHTTP As MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60
Set xmlHTTP = New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60
Set htmlBDY = New HTMLDocument
'sURL = "http://web.vermont.org/Accounting?ysort=true"
sURL = "http://web.vermont.org/Dining?ysort=true"
With xmlHTTP
.Open "GET", sURL, False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
Do While .readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop
If .Status <> 200 Then GoTo CleanUp
htmlBDY.body.innerHTML = .responseText
End With
With htmlBDY
For iDIV = 0 To (.getElementsByclassname("ListingResults_All_ENTRYTITLELEFTBOX").Length - 1)
If CBool(.getElementsByclassname("ListingResults_All_ENTRYTITLELEFTBOX")(iDIV).getElementsByTagName("a").Length) Then
Debug.Print _
End If
Next iDIV
End With
Set htmlBDY = Nothing
Set xmlHTTP = Nothing
End Sub
You will need Microsoft XML 6.0, Microsoft HTML Object Library and Microsoft Internet Controls added to Tools, References. I'm offering this snippet as I could find no Terms of Use on that site that banned the use of robotic scrapers. Be careful that you do not get your IP banned due to repetitive scraping requests.