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jsf-2myfacesomnifaces org.omnifaces.taghandler.Validator

I'm trying to use Omnifaces's validator in the following lines of code:

            <o:validator validatorId="javax.faces.Required"
                                 message="Numbers only" />

But I get the following error:

 DefaultFacele E   Exiting serializeView - Could not serialize state: org.omnifaces.taghandler.Validator

The most close SO discussion to this issue I find here: - org.omnifaces.taghandler.Converter but I use MyFaces 2.0.3 implementation by Websphere together with PrimeFaces 5.1, can it be the same bug? This lines of code work without any issues:

<p:inputText id="phone" styleClass="mask-num"
                            <o:validator validatorId="javax.faces.RegularExpression"
                                pattern="[0-9-]*" message="Numbers only" />

Am I use it wrong or is there workaround for this issue? Thank you.


  • This is a bug in MyFaces. I can't tell which MyFaces version exactly contains the fix, but I can tell that this construct works fine in at least MyFaces 2.1.12. However, upgrading MyFaces in WebSphere might not be a trivial task (technically and bureaucracy).

    Your best bet is to tell MyFaces to not serialize the whole view state in session, but instead keep it in memory and hold a reference (like as Mojarra by default does). You can do that via the following context param in web.xml:


    See also: