So I'm a little confused about the concept of
Instance methods of a class being called without first instantiating an object
How does that work in java? Would I have to instantiate an object so I can invoke a method on the object.
For example, here are my classes below.
public class Date{
public String month;
public int day;
public int year;
public void writeOutput()
System.out.println("Today is : " + this.month + " " + + " , " + this.year);
public class DateTest{
public static void main(String[] yolo){
Date today;
today = new Date();
today.month = "January"; = 31;
today.year = 2015;
Hence I would have to instantiate some date first? Can I call an instance method without instantiating a "date" object of some kind?
This is a copy of my comment:
Can you make a dog bark if it doesn't exists? (and only the concept of the dogs exists). Now imagine the concept of the dog as the class, bark as a method and Rex as an instance of a dog. So yes, you need to instanciate a class (Dog Rex = new Dog();) In order to use a method (Rex.bark()). Of course you can use static methods that allow you to do something like Dog.bark() but that it's not really OOP.