I have a jquery ui slider:
$( "#slider" ).slider({
values: [ 10, 25,45,176 ],
max: 190,
change: function( event, ui ) {
var index = $("#slider span").index(ui.handle);
$( "#index" ).text( "That was handle index #" + index );
I want to return the index of the changed single handle. But the handle object returns all spans (handles).
How can i do that?
Inside of the change
event function, ui.handle
is the element that was changed. Therefore, use $(ui.handle).index()
to access the index of the element. Note: The index is zero-based.
values: [ 10, 25,45,176 ],
change: function( event, ui ) {
var index = $(ui.handle).index();
$("#index").text( "That was handle index #" + index );