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Session.set() upon route event in Meteor

I have this functionality associated with clicking a button:

 'click .single-speaker-info a': function(ev, speaker){
    Session.set('selectedDocId', this._id);

But I'd like it to happen upon hitting this route

Router.route('speaker', {
        template: 'speaker',
        data: function(){
            return Speakers.findOne(this.params._id);

        //my attempted solution
        selectedDocId: function(){
            Session.set('selectedDocId', this._id);

But I can't find any documentation on how to execute a method on a route.

Here is the Template.helper Im using to get the property Im setting


            editingDoc: function(){
                return Speakers.findOne({_id: Session.get('selectedDocId')});



  • But I can't find any documentation on how to execute a method on a route.

    Iron Router offers a number of hooks:

    • onRun <-- probably what you need
    • onRerun
    • onBeforeAction
    • onAfterAction
    • onStop