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What's the best way to implement AST using visitor pattern with return value?

I'm trying to implement a simple abstract syntax tree (AST) in C++ using the visitor pattern. Usually a visitor pattern does not handle return value. But in my AST there are expressions nodes which care about the return type and value of its children node. For example, I have a Node structure like this:

class AstNode
    virtual void accept(AstNodeVisitor&) = 0;

    void addChild(AstNode* child);
    AstNode* left() { return m_left; }
    AstNode* right() { return m_right; }

    AstNode* m_left;
    AstNode* m_right;

class CompareNode : public AstNode
    virtual void accept(AstNodeVisitor& v)

    bool eval(bool lhs, bool rhs) const
        return lhs && rhs;

class SumNode : public AstNode
    virtual void accept(AstNodeVisitor& v)

    int eval(int lhs, int rhs) const
        return lhs + rhs;

class AstNodeVisitor
    bool visitCompareNode(CompareNode& node)
        // won't work, because accept return void!
        bool lhs = node.left()->accept(*this);
        bool rhs = node.right()->accept(*this);
        return node.eval(lhs, rhs);

    int visitSumNode(Node& node)
        // won't work, because accept return void!
        int lhs = node.left()->accept(*this);
        int rhs = node.right()->accept(*this);
        return node.eval(lhs, rhs);

In this case both CompareNode and SumNode are binary operators but they rely on the return type of their children's visit.

As far as I can see to make it work, there are only 2 options:

  1. accept can still return void, save the return value in a context object which is passed to each accept and visit function, and use them in the visit function, where I know what type to use. This should work but feels like a hack.

  2. make AstNode a template, and accept function a none virtual, but return type depends on template parameter T.But if I do this, I no longer have a common AstNode* class and can't save any AstNode* in the children list.

for example:

template <typename T`>
class AstNode
    T accept(AstNodeVisitor&);

So is there a more elegant way to do this? This should be a fairly common problem for people implementing AST walking so I'd like to know what's the best practice.



  • The Visitor can have member that it can use to store result, something like:

    class AstNodeVisitor
        void visitCompareNode(CompareNode& node)
            node.left()->accept(*this); // modify b
            bool lhs = b;
            node.right()->accept(*this); // modify b
            bool rhs = b;
            b = node.eval(lhs, rhs);
        void visitSumNode(Node& node)
            node.left()->accept(*this); // modify n
            int lhs = n;
            node.right()->accept(*this);  // modify n
            int rhs = n;
            n = node.eval(lhs, rhs);
        bool b;
        int n;

    You may also want to save the type of last result or use something like boost::variant.