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How to use ResultSet: absolute(int row) in java and dispaly retrieved rows in tabular format through jsp using jstl

I want to retrieve some specific rows from ResultSet by using absolute(int row) method.I have retrieved all the rows in tabular format by following code:

public String[][] reference() {

        String a[][]=new String[46][2];
        int i=0;
              con = getConnection();
              stmt = con.createStatement(rs.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,rs.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
              String sql="select logtime,beam_current from INDUS2_BDS.dbo.DCCT where logtime between '2014-10-10 07:17:00' and '2014-10-10 08:46:00'"+
              "and (beam_current like '%9.96' or beam_current like '%9.97' or beam_current like '%9.98' or  beam_current like '%9.99'  or beam_current like '%0' or beam_current like '%_0.01' or beam_current like '%_0.02' or beam_current like '%_0.03' or beam_current like '%_0.04' or beam_current like '%_0.05' or beam_current like '%_0.06')";
              rs = stmt.getResultSet();


                      for(int j=0; j<2; j++)

                            a[i][j] = rs.getString(j+1);



         catch( Exception e )
                System.out.println("\nException "+e);
                closeConnection(stmt, rs, con);
        return a;

Now I only want to retrieve only 3,4,11,13,23,27,28 rows in-spite of all.How to do that?


  • Define int rowCounter=0; before the while and increase it in the end of the while body.

    Add a check if (rowCounter==3 || rowCounter==4 ...) { //do your logic}