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Spring Tool Suite marks occurrences only after ten second delay

I am running STS (Kepler/3.5.1.RELEASE) and experiencing an annoying issue in which Java editors will highlight occurrences of a variable/method/etc. only after a ten-second delay.

This behavior seems to happen regardless of the following:

  • number of validation types selected in the Mark Occurrences settings
  • the number of project validators selected
  • or the number of occurrence types I have selected

A similarly sized Eclipse Juno installation on the same machine marks the occurrences almost instantaneously. Other editor types (e.g. Python) seem to highlight much more quickly, as I'd expect.

Has anyone else seen this behavior?


  • I've just encountered this issue and I have the latest (as of now) version of Spring Tool Suite (Version: 3.6.3.SR1). The solution was inspired by the comment of Kris, but instead of using a brand new workspace, you first can do a "clean up".


    Start STS (or any other Eclipse based IDE) with the -clean argument (which is equivalent to setting osgi.clean to "true") in the command line. The result is (quote):

    any cached data used by the OSGi framework and Eclipse runtime will be wiped clean. This will clean the caches used to store bundle dependency resolution and Eclipse extension registry data. Using this option will force Eclipse to reinitialize these caches.

    Example for Windows: C:\sts-3.6.0.RELEASE\sts.exe -clean

    Example for OSX: /Applications/ -clean

    It worked flawlessly!

    Alternative solutions

    If the above solution didn't help, here are the main alternatives:

    • creating a new workspace (as suggested by Kris)
    • clean reinstall of Eclipse

    More detailed instructions can be found here: Keeping Eclipse running clean