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FlipClock.js display an image when the countdown is over

I'm using FlipClock 1.1a and I want to set an image when the countdown is over and hide the counter. Currently, the counter goes in - time (-1 hour, -12 minutes) when the time is up. How can I do this? The site has very few callback and its not helping.


  • They have provided different example in their code base which do include counter stop event. So, you need to use stop callback of FlipClock performing the required operation,

     var clock;
        $(document).ready(function() {
            clock = $('.clock').FlipClock(10, {
                clockFace: 'MinuteCounter',
                countdown: true,
                callbacks: {
                    stop: function() {
                        // Do whatever you want to do here,
                        // that may include hiding the clock 
                        // or displaying the image you mentioned
                        $('.message').html('The clock has stopped!');


    If you have downloaded their whole source file you can check out the demo itself /FlipClock-master/examples/countdown-stop-callback.html