I'm using SignalR to send messages between a website and a Windows Phone app (Windows Phone 8.0, silverlight).
In the Windows phone app, I use the SignalR client from Nuget Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client
, it seems to work fine to send messages, but it takes several seconds to receive them.
this.connection = new HubConnection("http://myapp.azurewebsites.net/");
this.theHub = connection.CreateHubProxy("myHub");
await connection.Start();
// Here I receive the message very late
On the javascript side, messages arrive without delay.
Is there anything to configure on Windows Phone ?
I had to use a Long polling transport, because the default transport delayed the messages.
The transport can be set when startig the connection :
await connection.Start(new LongPollingTransport());
as said in the comment below, a WebSocket transport is probably better
await connection.Start (new WebSocketTransport());