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How to use constraint programming for optimizing shopping baskets?

I have a list of items I want to buy. The items are offered by different shops and different prices. The shops have individual delivery costs. I'm looking for an optimal shopping strategy (and a java library supporting it) to purchase all of the items with a minimal total price.


  • Item1 is offered at Shop1 for $100, at Shop2 for $111.
  • Item2 is offered at Shop1 for $90, at Shop2 for $85.
  • Delivery cost of Shop1: $10 if total order < $150; $0 otherwise
  • Delivery cost of Shop2: $5 if total order < $50; $0 otherwise
  • If I buy Item1 and Item2 at Shop1 the total cost is $100 + $90 +$0 = $190.
  • If I buy Item1 and Item2 at Shop2 the total cost is $111 + $85 +$0 = $196.
  • If I buy Item1 at Shop1 and Item2 at Shop2 the total cost is $100 + $10 + $85 + $0 = 195.

I get the minimal price if I order Item1 and Item2 at Shop1: $190

What I tried so far

I asked another question before that led me to the field of constraint programming. I had a look at cream and choco, but I did not figure out how to create a model to solve my problem.

         | shop1 | shop2 | shop3 | ...
item1    | p11   | p12   | p13   |
item2    | p21   | p22   | p23   |
 .       |       |       |       |
 .       |       |       |       |
shipping | s1    | s2    | s3    |
limit    | l1    | l2    | l3    |
total    | t1    | t2    | t3    |

My idea was to define these constraints:

  • each price "p xy" is defined in the domain (0, c) where c is the price of the item in this shop
  • only one price in a line should be non zero
  • if one or more items are bought from one shop and the sum of the prices is lower than limit, then add shipping cost to the total cost
  • shop total cost is the sum of the prices of all items in a shop
  • total cost is the sum of all shop totals

The objective is "total cost". I want to minimize this.

In cream I wasn't able to express the "if then" constraint for conditional shipping costs.

In choco these constraints exist, but even for 5 items and 10 shops the program was running for 10 minutes without finding a solution.


How should I express my constraints to make this problem solvable for a constraint programming solver?


  • I have implemented this problem in MiniZinc (a high level constraint programming language): shopping_basket.mzn. It is quite forward and maybe could be used as a model for your Java model.

    For the Choco model, have you tried different search strategies? A different strategy may be faster.

    By the way, one other Java constraint programming solver you may want to check out is JaCoP.