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How do I inject constants with hk2 in jersey 2.0?

How do I inject a constant into some class using HK2 in jersey? With Guice I could have some class like

public class DependsOnFoo {

    public DependsOnFoo(@Named("FOO") String foo) {

and I would configure it in the injector with something like

bind(String.class).named("FOO").toInstance(new String("foo"))

What's the equivalent, if any, in HK2?


  • I'm in the process of learning hk2 coming from Guice. Honestly I am still in the weeds a little with the complexity of hk2 vs the simplicity of guice. I did find this solution to work for me and it is much similar to the Guice builder. This did seem a little more straight forward than having to use the ServiceLocatorUtilitiesclass.

    public class IOCMockRestModule extends AbstractBinder

    And to use the injected value:

    protected CustomerResource(ICustomerProvider customerProvider, @Named("MAX_REQUEST_TIMEOUT") int maxTimeoutMillis) {