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Run the application multiple times with different arguments in one click

What I'm trying to do is run the same program multiple times in Cygwin but with different arguments passed to it.

What I try to do is as follows

./ssltest.exe -3 -p STATIC_PORT STATIC_IP && ./ssltest.exe -p STATIC_PORT STATIC_IP && ./ssltest.exe -1 -p STATIC_PORT STATIC_IP && ./ssltest.exe -2 -p STATIC_PORT STATIC_IP

But in something that would look like this

./bulkssltest.exe -p STATIC_PORT STATIC_IP

And present the same results. As you can see the port and IP remain the same but I run it with -1, -2, -3 and with no additional arguments.

The code is way too complicated for me to edit it to achieve the same result but I am pretty sure there is a way to get it to work like this somehow.

Any input would be appreciated.


  • Shell script for Cygwin

    Put the following into a file, say

    for opt in -3 "" -1 -2; do
      # Intentionally unquoted $opt here, so that the empty opt disappears
      # and is not expanded into the empty string (that ssltest doesn't expect)
      # You might want to use an absolute path to ssltest.exe here.
      ./ssltest.exe $opt "$@" || break

    Make sure the file contains UNIX line endings, or /bin/sh will complain about $\r: command not found. and similar things. The trick here is that "$@" expands to the arguments that were passed to the script and a slightly unusual unquoted use of the loop variable $opt to make it disappear when it is the empty string. break exits the loop, and it is invoked here if ssltest came back with a non-zero exit status (that's what the || does; it's the or to &&'s and).


    chmod +x



    Alternatively, for pure Windows:

    Looping in a batch file is, unfortunately, painful, as is shortcutting, and I have not found a way to expand an empty token to nothing the way I did in the shell script above, so to produce the precise results as the expression you posted, you'll have to repeat yourself. For example, put this into a file bulkssltest.bat:

    @echo off
    ssltest -3 %*
    IF NOT %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 GOTO end
    ssltest %*
    IF NOT %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 GOTO end
    FOR %%O IN (-2,-1) DO (ssltest %%O %* & IF NOT %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 GOTO end)

    and run

    bulkssltest -p STATIC_PORT STATIC_IP

    The FOR loop is included here for purposes of illustration; you could, of course, just do the last two calls to ssltest like the first two. Note that you cannot break this loop into several lines; cmd will not have it. If the order of execution does not matter, you can fold the call with -3 into the loop and save some lines, but I don't think that is possible for the empty token. Here it is %* that expands to the arguments that were given to the batch file, %ErrorLevel is the exit status of the most recently executed program (akin to $? in shell scripts), and :end is a jump label.

    If you want to do more complicated things with on-board Windows tools, I urge you to look into powershell. It does not get any better with batch files.