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Why does this applescript that tasks to iTunes sometimes fail with -1712

I have some applescript for creating a list of the fiels under iTunes control and writing it to a file, this is the complete script:

tell application "iTunes"

    if (count of every file track of library playlist 1) is equal to 0 then
        set thePath to (POSIX file "/tmp/songkong_itunes_model.txt")
        set fileref to open for access (thePath) with write permission
        set eof fileref to 0
    end if

    tell every file track of library playlist 1
        script performancekludge
            property tracknames : its name
            property locs : its location
            property persistids : its persistent ID
        end script
    end tell
end tell

set thePath to (POSIX file "/tmp/songkong_itunes_model.txt")
set fileref to open for access (thePath) with write permission
set eof fileref to 0

tell performancekludge
    repeat with i from 1 to length of its tracknames
            set nextline to item i of its tracknames ¬
                & "::" & POSIX path of item i of its locs ¬
                & "::" & item i of its persistids
            write nextline & linefeed as «class utf8» to fileref
        end try
    end repeat
end tell

close access fileref

and sometimes it gives

create_itunes_model.scpt:428:436: execution error: iTunes got an error: AppleEvent timed out. (-1712)

for some users, but I dont know why

Does anybody know why, or how I could improve my script


  • First you should close access fileref before your first return. Otherwise the text file could stay in an opened state.

    The error looks like a timeout if the user's iTunes Library is too big and the script takes too much time to run. You should use a with timeout-block:

    with timeout of 600 seconds
        -- your script here
    end timeout

    Have fun, Michael / Hamburg