I want to convert the object in to xml where it requires to give the alias for String data type. For example:
public class ArrayTest
private int id=4;
public String area[];
public void setArea(String ar[])
area = ar;
Object to xml Conversion class is like:
public class Test
public static void main(String args[])
String area[] = {"ABC","XYZ","PRQ"};
ArrayTest at = new ArrayTest();
Xstream stream = new XStream(new staxDriver());
I'm getting output as :
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
But I want out output as:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
I'm new to XStream, Kindly help me out
I think this could work:
First add a getter for area
public class ArrayTest {
private int id = 4;
private String[] area;
public void setArea(String ar[]) {
area = ar;
public String[] getArea() {
return area;
Then add a NamedArrayConverter
public static void main(String args[]) {
String area[] = { "ABC", "XYZ", "PRQ" };
ArrayTest at = new ArrayTest();
XStream stream = new XStream();
stream.registerConverter(new NamedArrayConverter(at.getArea().getClass(), null, "code"));
This is the output: