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Create a Subfolder in Project/Builds from RTC/Jazz-Eclipse Plugin

We have a lot of Build Definitions and i want to create a category or a subfolder to make less mess (what a phrase) in our Project


this image shows only half of our build definitions and i really want to clean up here!

i've tried the context menu (right mouse button) but i didn't find any useful items there.


  • There is no "subfolder" option, for build (for grouping builds together) or even source control (for grouping streams together) in RTC (3, early 4).

    The "Administering Rational Team Concert Builds" only suggests tagging builds

    You can tag builds to organize them or identify them for search purposes.
    You can also select a tag from an existing list of tags.
    A tag is a single word with no spaces.
    A build result can have multiple tags associated with it

    Update 2015: as mentioned in Enhancement 217033 (even though it was triaged in Enhancement 303863), also mentioned in Task 303722:

    RTC 4.0.6 has the capability to organize build definitions into build folders.

    RTC 5 has that feature fully implemented, as mentioned in Enhancement 300232.

    The OP Martin Frank adds this image:

    enter image description here

    Once a folder is created you can drag&drop the build definitions into the desired folder.