I have an attribute
private boolean include;
I would like to set its default value to true, so that in the database it must display True from default. Is this possible in JPA?
As far as i known there is no JPA native solution to provide default values. Here it comes my workaround:
Non database portable solution
@Column(columnDefinition="tinyint(1) default 1")
private boolean include;
Java oriented solution
private boolean include = true;
Java oriented plus Builder pattern
@Column(nullable = false)
private Boolean include;
public static class Builder {
private Boolean include = true; // Here it comes your default value
public Builder include (Boolean include ) {
this.include = include ;
return this;
// Use the pattern builder whenever you need to persist a new entity.
public MyEntity build() {
MyEntity myEntity = new MyEntity ();
myEntity .setinclude (include );
return myEntity;
This is my favorite and less intrusive. Basically it delegates the task to define the default value to the Builder pattern in your entity.