I'm trying to get a translucent and colorized image like the new Google Play Newsstand app, but everything which I tried until this moment doesn't work perfectly. What I mean is more specified by the images below.
The Google Play Newsstand header looks like this:
But my code make up a header to me which looks like this:
and it's awful!
My code is:
ImageUtils.getImageFiltered(this, R.drawable.disaster, R.color.transparent_teal)
In "ImageUtils" class, the method getImageFiltered(...)
public static Drawable getImageFiltered(Context context, int res, int color) {
Drawable drawable = createContrast(context, res, 50);
color = context.getResources().getColor(color);
ColorFilter filter = new PorterDuffColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.DARKEN);
return drawable;
The method createContrast(context, res, 50);
just change the image to black and white.
So, anyone knows how to get a image like the Google's app?
Thanks very much and I'm sorry for my English, I'm just learning yet.
I think the problem is in the createContrast() function, which is over-brightening the lighter shades of grey. You could try fixing that to return a desaturated greyscale image without any contrast adjustment applied, using a ColorMatrix with setSaturation(0) applied. Then apply PorterDuff.
Alternatively you could create the effect using a ColorMatrixColorFilter, created by concatenating a ColorMatrix to convert to greyscale and another to modulate by the color, like this:
public static Drawable getImageFiltered(Context context, int res, int color) {
// load image:
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), res);
BitmapDrawable drawable = new BitmapDrawable(context.getResources(), bitmap);
// create matrix to convert to greyscale:
ColorMatrix greyscaleMatrix = new ColorMatrix();
// create matrix to colorize and apply transluceny:
ColorMatrix colorizeMatrix = new ColorMatrix();
color = context.getResources().getColor(color);
colorizeMatrix.setScale(Color.red(color) / 255.0f,
Color.green(color) / 255.0f,
Color.blue(color) / 255.0f,
Color.alpha(color) / 255.0f); // <- try setting this to 1.0f for no translucency
// concatenate the two matrices and create a ColorMatrixColorFilter from the result:
ColorMatrixColorFilter filter = new ColorMatrixColorFilter(greyscaleMatrix);
// apply the filter:
return drawable;
Also it is necessary to make the image translucent? There doesn't seem to be anything showing through from behind it other than a black background.