Am quite new to emberjs and ember-cli.
And I have always been wondering how a statement like this works:
import Ember from 'ember'
Does 'ember build' look up for 'ember' in node_modules?
I understand statements like this with relative paths:
import ENV from './config/environment'
but not the ones referred without a path.
This question raises in connection with Could not find module ember-validations, in an effort to find its root cause.
The sort answer is that Ember-CLI registers the global objects directly with the module system. Take a look at the code here. While it's wrapped in a little helper code, they essentially do this:
define('ember', [], function() {
return {
'default': window.Ember,
Then, Ember-CLI converts your import
statement during compilation:
import Ember from 'ember';
Gets converted to:
var Ember = require('ember')['default'];
Keep in mind that this is how it's done when using a transpiler to use AMD modules. I'm not 100% sure how that code would work if we were using a native ES6 implementation, although I know that the syntax supports this kind of thing.