I have an object o
which guaranteed at runtime to be one of three types A
, B
, or C
, all of which implement a common interface I
. I can control I
, but not A
, B
, or C
. (Thus I could use an empty marker interface, or somehow take advantage of the similarities in the types by using the interface, but I can't add new methods or change existing ones in the types.)
I also have a series of methods MethodA
, MethodB
, and MethodC
. The runtime type of o
is looked up and is then used as a parameter to these methods.
public void MethodA(A a) { ... }
public void MethodB(B b) { ... }
public void MethodC(C c) { ... }
Using this strategy, right now a check has to be performed on the type of o
to determine which method should be invoked. Instead, I would like to simply have three overloaded methods:
public void Method(A a) { ... } // these are all overloads of each other
public void Method(B b) { ... }
public void Method(C c) { ... }
Now I'm letting C# do the dispatch instead of doing it manually myself. Can this be done? The naive straightforward approach doesn't work, of course:
Cannot resolve method 'Method(object)'. Candidates are:
- void Method(A)
- void Method(B)
- void Method(C)
How about something like this?
private Dictionary<Type, Action<I>> _mapping = new Dictionary<Type, Action<I>>
{ typeof(A), i => MethodA(i as A)},
{ typeof(B), i => MethodB(i as B)},
{ typeof(C), i => MethodC(i as C)},
private void ExecuteBasedOnType(object value)
_mapping(value.GetType())(value as I);