I am trying to use AngularJS + Restangular to interact with an API created in Django with Tastypie. I have successfully interacted with the API using example code found here as a starting point (shown below).
yourApp.config(function(RestangularProvider) {
RestangularProvider.setResponseExtractor(function(response, operation, what, url) {
var newResponse;
if (operation === "getList") {
newResponse = response.objects;
newResponse.metadata = response.meta;
} else {
newResponse = response;
return newResponse;
I would like to use Tastypie's filtering mechanism in my API calls, but these parameters are sent via the query string and not the URI. An example from the Tastypie docs: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/entry/?user__username=daniel
Apart from reconfiguring Restangular's setRequestSuffix option before each request, is there any clean way to apply Tastypie-style filters in the query string using Restangular?
From https://github.com/mgonto/restangular/issues/301#issuecomment-24273429
// GET to /partners?where={agentID: 1}
Restangular.all('partners').getList({where: '{agentID: 1}'});
// GET to /partners/123?where={agentID: 1}
Restangular.one('partners', 123).get({where: '{agentID: 1}'});
Seems like the getList() does the trick here.