As part of writing custom command (COM-Visible dll with class that implements Interwoven command interface) for one of Interwoven Worksite dialog boxes, I need to extract information from RichEdit textbox.
The only connection to the existing dialog box is its HWND handle; seemingly trivial task , but I got stuck:
After using Spy++ I noticed that the dialog box gets IRichEditOle
interface and seems to encapsulate the string into OLE object.
Here is what I tried to do:
IRichEditOle richEditOleObj = null;
IntPtr ppv = IntPtr.Zero;
Guid guid = new Guid("00020D00-0000-0000-c000-000000000046");
Marshal.QueryInterface(pRichEdit, ref guid, out ppv);
richEditOleObj = (IRichEditOle)Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(ppv,typeof(IRichEditOle));
Judging by GetObjectCount()
method of the interface there is exactly one object in the textbox - most likely the string I need to extract. I used GetObject()
method and got IOleObject
interface via QueryInterface
if (richEditOleObj.GetObject(0, reObject, GetObjectOptions.REO_GETOBJ_ALL_INTERFACES) == 0) //S_OK
IntPtr oleObjPpv = IntPtr.Zero;
IOleObject oleObject = null;
Guid objGuid = new Guid("00000112-0000-0000-C000-000000000046");
Marshal.QueryInterface(reObject.poleobj, ref objGuid, out oleObjPpv);
oleObject = (IOleObject)Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(oleObjPpv, typeof(IOleObject));
To negate other possibilites I tried to QueryInteface for IRichEditOle
to ITextDocument
but this also returned empty string.
I tried to send EM_STREAMOUT
message and read buffer returned from callback - returned empty buffer.
On this point I got stuck. Googling didn't help much - couldn't find anything that was relevant to my issue - it seems that vast majority of examples on the net about IRichEditOle
and RichEdit revolve around inserting bitmap into RichEdit control.
The main problem - I couldn't find a way to extract information I needed from IOleObject
interface and didn't find any examples relevant to extracting data from the object.
Now since I know only basic stuff about COM and OLE , I guess I am missing something important here.
I would appreciate any thoughts suggestions or remarks.
I found the missing bit of the puzzle. Perhaps what I did will help others with similar problem.
After calling IRichEditOle::GetObject
I received REOBJECT
structure. By using clsid field of the structure I found via registry the dll where needed interface was defined.
Using explicit cast (This is C#; so it is equivalent to using QueryInterface) from IOleObject
to the required interface I achieved what I needed - access to the data stored in that IOleObject