What I need to do is show more information than the table size allow me to show. For that, I'm opening a jQuery Dialog with the whole information when the user mouse over the row he needs to see.
The problem I have is when I pass the parameter from the row to the javascript function. I can't get it to be used like a JSON object
From the controller, I'm sending an ArrayList to the view (gsp) g:each.
def detailList = [[key11:val11, key12,val12],[key21:val21, key22:val22]] //...etc
render (model:[detailList:detailList], view:'show')
In the view, I call a javascript function to open the dialog, and with that I'm sending the "looping" object "${detail}"
<g:each in="${detailList}" status="i" var="detail">
<tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}" onmouseover='openDialog("${detail}")' onmouseout='closeDialog()' >
But what I recieve in the javascript function is this:
{key11=val11, key12=val12}
And what javascript needs to successfuly JSON.parse() is this:
{"key11"="val11", "key12"="val12"}
I can't fix this "JSON" with regex, or splits() or any of that because one of the parameter is a descripción in wich I could recieve any kind o characters.
Is there any other way to recieve the object in javascript and use it like: alert(detail.code)?
I know I can send the parameters one by one like this:
onmouseover='openDialog("${detail.code}", "${detail.name}")'
But that's not the Idea, right? besides, there are a Lot of parameters.
Any idea would really help. Thanks.
You could encode your data as JSON
within the controller like this:
render (model:[detailList:detailList as JSON], view:'show')
In the view you could assign the JSON
to any JavaScript variable:
var myJsDetailList = ${raw(detailList)};
If you don't want to pass JSON
from controller to view you could encode the data within your GSP
using encodeAsJSON()
<g:each in="${detailList}" status="i" var="detail">
<tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}" onmouseover='openDialog("${detail.encodeAsJSON()}")' onmouseout='closeDialog()' >