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Exchange 2010, Cannot ADD new user to Delivery Option, Set-Mailbox Failed, Error: Couldn't find object, Send on Behalf, isn't the expected type


  • Try to add new user to "Delivery Options -> Send on Behalf -> Grant this permission to:".
  • This is found in:

Mailbox -> Properties -> Mail Flow Settings -> Delivery Options


  • Failed to add new user to "Delivery Options"
  • Got error message

Error: Couldn't find object "DOMAINxxxx/OUxxxx/USERxxxx". Please make sure that it was spelled correctly or specify a different object. Reason: The recipient DOMAINxxxx/OUxxxx/USERxxxx isn't the expected type.

  • But USERxxxx is NOT in the list of "Grant this permission to"
  • Also USERxxxx is has already been DISABLED in Active Directory

Attempted Fix:

  • Confirmed PublicDelegates is set to "not set"

ADSI edit -> USERxxxx -> Properties -> PublicDelegates

  • Re-enabled USERxxxx account in Active Directory and then tried to ADD new user, still FAILED

Current Fix Result:

  • Exchange FAILED to add new user to "Delivery Options" even the "PublicDelegates" has no value in "ADSI edit"

Reference Picture of the issue: enter image description here


  • I have found the issue. Make sure to remove "PublicDelegates" from USERxxxx's account and also the mailbox you would like to add new account in.

    Previously I removed "PublicDelegates" from USERxxxx's account only, therefore the issue was persistent.

    Also once you removed the first USERxxxx from the error message, you might get another USERxxxx2 with same issue. In this case repeat the steps above until all error goes away, then you will be able to add new user in the mailbox.