The function I want to mock:
class Bar {
public Set<Foo> getFoos();
The code under test:
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Bar bar = computeBar();
for (Foo f : bar.getFoos()) {
// code
Expectations block:
new Expectations() {{
returns(/* what should I put here?? */);
Either write
new Expectations() {{ bar.getFoos(); returns(foo1, foo2, foo3); }};
to return a single set, or
final Set<Foo> foos1 = new HashSet<Foo>(asList(foo1, foo2));
final Set<Foo> foos2 = new HashSet<Foo>(asList(foo3, foo4, foo5));
new Expectations() {{ bar.getFoos(); returns(foos1, foos2); }};
to return a sequence of sets.