I'm trying to use a groovy Config entry to parse an xml file with XmlSlurper.
Here's the Config file:
sample {
xml {
frompath = "Email.From"
Here's the XML
<Address>[email protected]</Address>
<Alias>Foo Bar</Alias>
This is what I tried initially:
XmlSlurper slurper = new XmlSlurper()
def record = slurper.parseText((new File("myfile.xml")).text)
def emailFrom = record?."${grailsApplication.config.sample.xml.frompath}".Address.text()
This doesn't work because XmlSlurper allows one to use special characters in path names as long as they're surrounded by quotes, so the app is translating this as:
def emailFrom = record?."Email.From".Address.text()
and not
def emailFrom = record?.Email.From.Address.text()
I tried setting the frompath property to be "Email"."From"
and then '"Email"."From"'
. I tried tokenizing the property in the middle of the parse statement (don't ask.)
Can someone please point me towards some resources to find out if/how I can do this?
I feel like this issue getting dynamic Config parameter in Grails taglib and this https://softnoise.wordpress.com/2013/07/29/grails-injecting-config-parameters/ may have whispers of a solution, but I need fresh eyes to see it.
The solution in issue getting dynamic Config parameter in Grails taglib is a proper way to deref down such a path. E.g.
def emailFrom = 'Email.From'.tokenize('.').inject(record){ r,it -> r."$it" }
def emailFromAddress = emailFrom.Address.text()
If your path there can get complex and you rather go with the potentially more dangerous way, you could also use Eval
. E.g.
def path = "a[0].b.c"
def map = [a:[[b:[c:666]]]] // dummy map, same as xmlslurper
assert Eval.x(map, "x.$path") == 666