I am having problems with pages with SSL. I'm pretty sure this is the problem because I can go to http pages and get the full page source, but when I go to an https address, I get the following:
I am using:
I have tried setting --ignore-ssl-errors=true on desired capabilities, but it doesn't seem to be working.
public WebDriver createDriver(DesiredCapabilities dcaps) {
String [] phantomJsArgs = {"--ignore-ssl-errors=true"};
return new PhantomJSDriver(dcaps);
I have also tried this with "PhantomJSDriverService.PHANTOMJS_CLI_ARGS" and with the cli argument "--web-security=false" added. In all cases, I can see something like the following in the console, but none seem to actually work.
DEBUG: org.apache.http.wire - >> "{"desiredCapabilities":{
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
This seems to have been a bug with PhantomJS 1.9.1 and was fixed in version 1.9.8. I was able to resolve this issue by upgrading to the newer driver.
Answer found via this bug report: https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/12655