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How to get Exception message thrown by one of the specflow scenario's [Given-when-then] methods

I am using specflow for automating my test. As expected, when any of the [Given-when-then] methods say do not find and element, they throw exception. I want to get the error message of this exception in [afterscenario] method called after each scenario. Is this possible?

for example below is the error message I need to catch

enter image description here


  • You are looking for ScenarioContext.Current.TestError. I tried looking through the SpecFlow documentation, but I think I found this property by just drilling down into the ScenarioContext.Current property using Intellisense in Visual Studio.

    using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
    namespace Your.Project
        public class CommonHooks
            public void AfterScenario()
                Exception lastError = ScenarioContext.Current.TestError;
                if (lastError != null)
                    if (lastError is OpenQA.Selenium.NoSuchElementException)
                        // Test failure cause by not finding an element on the page

    To avoid exceptions when running tests in a multi-threaded context when accessing ScenarioContext.Current, you can utilize the build-in dependency injection framework to pass the current context in as a constructor argument to your CommonHooks class:

    public class CommonHooks
        public CommonHooks(ScenarioContext currentScenario)
            this.currentScenario = currentScenario;
        private ScenarioContext currentScenario;
        public void AfterScenario()
            Exception lastError = currentScenario.TestError;
            if (lastError != null)
                if (lastError is OpenQA.Selenium.NoSuchElementException)
                    // Test failure cause by not finding an element on the page