I'm trying to retrieve resource from Jasperserver repository using its java API, according to jasper report server ultimate guide, I should get an instance of the ExecutionContext interface:
ExecutionContext context = JasperServerUtil.getExecutionContext();
then, get an instance of the RepositoryService interface:
RepositoryService repositoryService = ...; //how??
Now I can get the file using the following code:
FileResourceData fileResourceData = repositoryService.getContentResourceData(context, "/examples/report.pdf");
my question is how can I get the RepositoryService instance?
ApplicationContext ctx = StaticApplicationContext.getApplicationContext();
String repositoryServiceName = "repositoryService";
RepositoryService repositoryService = (RepositoryService) ctx.getBean(repositoryServiceName);
ExecutionContext context = JasperServerUtil.getExecutionContext();
Resource resource = repositoryService.getResource(context, fileURI);