I send one part pdu sms by AT commands, but when my message is more than 70 character my sms didn't sent.
My text body is :
نام و نام خانوادگی : احسان صادقی
آخرین اعتبار موجود در کارت : 1597739 ریال
تاریخ : 1393/11/07
ساعت : 12:7
and pdu that I create is :
PDU Number:1 Length For AT:153
PDU Number:2 Length For AT:105 079189390500410051000C918919229556870008FF5B060804945B020200370037003300390020063106CC06270644000D000A062A0627063106CC062E0020003A00200031003300390033002F00310031002F00300037000D000A063306270639062A0020003A002000310032003A0037
this new pdu didn't sent and when I split message to 70 character parts and send them individually they sent but received as separate message in phone.
You can not send message that has length greater then 70 uni-code (16 bits) or 140 8-Bit characters or 160, 7 bit (GSM Encoded) characters in a SMS. If you have more then 70 character then you have to send two SMS but they will be treated as two separate SMS to make a single SMS for characters more than 70 uni code characters you need to use concatenated SMS using a User Data Header. This article explains about the structure of concatenated messages.