In my app if I receive password reset instructions I go to server with url like:
in controller I have such code:
if (typeof $routeParams.key !== 'undefined') {
but when I change password and want to login in same view, I go to another location, but this ?key=123123123
is still there. What did I do wrong, and how to go to empty: /company without any keys?
$scope.login = function() {
also I tried $scope.$apply($location.path('/company'));
but still when I go to company after login I have params in url. How to solve this?
In routing:
.when('/signin', {
templateUrl: 'views/authorization.html',
controller: 'AuthorizationCtrl'
.when('/changepass', {
templateUrl: 'views/authorization.html',
controller: 'AuthorizationCtrl'
There are two ways by using which you can achieve this
$'key', null);
When you are using angularjs you can use its built in functions like angular.isDefined