I'm looking for a table of parameters and return type of the single abstract method (SAM) of all interfaces in java.util.function
Here's a table of all 43 interfaces in the package, plus some other notable interfaces. This arrangement should make it easy to see the naming patterns in the package. The table is designed to work as a comment in a .java class file. Open the file in eclipse (or any other IDE that can resolve class names in comments). You should be able to hover over the names and see their javadocs. A ctrl-click
will open the interfaces source code if you've properly attached the java source code.
(Surprisingly, this doesn't seem to work in InteliJ. Let me know if there's a setting I'm missing.)
import java.util.function.Function; //Prevent "which package?" popups
import java.util.function.Predicate;
Interfaces whose abstract method declares "throws Exception" denoted with *
/* Param\Return void boolean R
---- ------- -
void Runnable BooleanSupplier Supplier<R>
void AutoCloseable* Callable<R>*
T Consumer<T> Predicate<T> Function<T,R>
R UnaryOperator<R>
T, U BiConsumer<T,U> BiPredicate<T,U> BiFunction<T,U,R>
R, R BinaryOperator<R>
int IntConsumer IntPredicate IntFunction<R>
T, int ObjIntConsumer<T>
long LongConsumer LongPredicate LongFunction<R>
T, long ObjLongConsumer<T>
double DoubleConsumer DoublePredicate DoubleFunction<R>
T, double ObjDoubleConsumer<T>
Param\Return int long double
--- ---- ------
void IntSupplier LongSupplier DoubleSupplier
T ToIntFunction<T> ToLongFunction<T> ToDoubleFunction<T>
T,U ToIntBiFunction<T,U> ToLongBiFunction<T,U> ToDoubleBiFunction<T,U>
int IntUnaryOperator IntToLongFunction IntToDoubleFunction
int, int IntBinaryOperator
long LongToIntFunction LongUnaryOperator LongToDoubleFunction
long, long LongBinaryOperator
double DoubleToIntFunction DoubleToLongFunction DoubleUnaryOperator
double, double DoubleBinaryOperator */
Some examples of use:
// Lambda using Runnable
new Thread(() -> System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName())).start();
Optional<String> opt = Optional.of("Meh");
// Lambda using Predicate<? super String>;
opt = opt.filter( s->s.equalsIgnoreCase("meh") );
System.out.println(opt+" <-- opt");
// Lambda using Consumer<? super String>;
opt.ifPresent( s->System.out.println(s) );
// Lambda using Function<? super String, ? extends String>;
opt = opt.map(s->s+"!").map(s->s+"!");
System.out.println(opt+" <-- opt");
// Lambda using Supplier<? extends IllegalArgumentException>;
opt.orElseThrow( ()->new IllegalArgumentException("Should not be empty.") );
opt = Optional.empty();
()->new IllegalArgumentException("Empty? Who said you could be empty?")
Optional[Meh] <-- opt
Optional[Meh!!] <-- opt
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Empty? Who said you could be empty?
at functionalinterfacestudy.AllLambdas.lambda$6(AllLambdas.java:110)
at functionalinterfacestudy.AllLambdas$$Lambda$7/1392838282.get(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Optional.orElseThrow(Unknown Source)
at functionalinterfacestudy.AllLambdas.main(AllLambdas.java:110)
Also, this book presents the package with some detailed tables.
And, while it's not much of a table, it's always good to read the official package summery.
The JDK actually has 57 Interfaces sporting the @FunctionalInterface annotation. Those not mentioned above include:
import java.io.FileFilter; // Aren't name collisions fun?
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.logging.Filter;
Interface Single Abstract Method
--------- ----------------------
KeyEventDispatcher: boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent e);
KeyEventPostProcessor: boolean postProcessKeyEvent(KeyEvent e);
FileFilter: boolean accept(File pathname);
FilenameFilter: boolean accept(File dir, String name);
Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler: void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e);
DirectoryStream<T>.Filter<T>: boolean accept(T entry) throws IOException;
PathMatcher: boolean matches(Path path);
TemporalAdjuster: Temporal adjustInto(Temporal temporal);
TemporalQuery<R>: R queryFrom(TemporalAccessor temporal);
Comparator<T>: int compare(T o1, T o2);
Filter: public boolean isLoggable(LogRecord record);
PreferenceChangeListener: void preferenceChange(PreferenceChangeEvent evt);
However, the JDK has many interfaces that meet all the requirements to be a functional interface that don't have the @FunctionalInterface
annotation (such as AutoClosable
). The missing annotation doesn't keep them from working as a functional interface. It's used to force the compiler to throw an error when an interface violates the definition of a functional interface. In a way, it's a promise not to expand the set of abstract methods you must override when you implement the interface (it's ok to add default methods since they always have their own implementation). Which leaves me wondering: why it isn't @FunctionalInterface
used on all the interfaces in the JDK that qualify?