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Determine screen coordinates from point in DirectX world

I have a point in space represented by a 4x4 matrix. I'd like to get the screen coordinates for the point. Picking appears to be the exact opposite fo what I need. I'm using the screen coordinate to determine where to draw text.

Currently the text I draw is floating in space far in front of the points. I've attached a screenshot of zoomed-in and zoomed-out to better explain. As you can see in the screenshot, the distance between each point is the same when zoomed in, when it should be smaller.

enter image description here enter image description here

Am I missing a transformation? World coordinates consider 0,0,0 to be the center of the grid. I'm using SlimDX.

var viewProj = mMainCamera.View * mMainCamera.Projection;

//Convert 4x4 matrix for point to Vector4
var originalXyz = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Zero, matrix);

//Vector4 to Vector3
Vector3 worldSpaceCoordinates = new Vector3(originalXyz.X, originalXyz.Y, originalXyz.Z);

//Transform point by view projection matrix
var transformedCoords = Vector3.Transform(worldSpaceCoordinates, viewProj);

Vector3 clipSpaceCoordinates = new Vector3(transformedCoords.X, transformedCoords.Y, transformedCoords.Z);
Vector2 pixelPosition = new Vector2((float)(0.5 * (clipSpaceCoordinates.X + 1) * ActualWidth),  (float)(0.5 * (clipSpaceCoordinates.Y + 1) * ActualHeight));


  • Turns out I was way overthinking this. Just project the point to the screen by passing Vector3.Project your viewport information. It's a 3 line solution.

    var viewProj = mMainCamera.View * mMainCamera.Projection;
    var vp = mDevice.ImmediateContext.Rasterizer.GetViewports()[0];
    var screenCoords = Vector3.Project(worldSpaceCoordinates, vp.X, vp.Y, vp.Width, vp.Height, vp.MinZ, vp.MaxZ, viewProj);