Using Actuate eReport Designer Professional 9 SErvice Pack 3 Fix 2
I am attempting to set a text control's ValueExp property to display a string consisting of a division result concatenated with some static text. I want the division result to display as an integer if there is no remainder. Otherwise, I want only 1 decimal place.
There will be conditional logic involved, but I will be able to handle that. What I am really looking for is, using the Expression Builder only, can I format numbers. For example, how would I get the expression, 5/3 & " text"
to display 1.7 text
? This guess,
round(5/3, 1) & " text"
threw errors for "illegal variable use (round)" and "operator not found for these types"
From Dominique's answer, this effort:
BirtMath.round(5/3, 1)
resulted in an illegal variable use on BirtMath.
What finally got the job done was:
Format(5/3, "##.#") & " text"