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BIRT - expression builder: HTML Table + Dataset field does not evaluate

I am new to BIRT and its awesome but I am unable to make a bullet point list where each bullet point is a field from my dataset. Without using any html the datasetfield evaluates but as soon as I add an html tag it will simply show the name of the field.


  <li><value-of> row["SRRI"] </value-of></li>


  • row["SRRI"]

But I want it to show the value of row["SRRI"] instead. (Omitting "" does not change the output for me)

I was searching for a solution for a few hours now and I guess its fairly simple but I cannot find a solution on how to tell BIRT that this is not a string.


  • It sounds like you have a list, and you want to lead each entry with a bullet point. In your report design, you can put a cell in front of your row["SRRI"] value and put what ever bullet image you want there.