I am trying to set up a system that allows me to subclass a class that gets exported to a text file without having to modify the initial class. To do this, I am trying to build a list of callbacks that can tell if they handle a particular entry, and then use that callback to get an instance of that class created from the file. The problem is I get an error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/base/Predicate when I try to run anything involving this class. What am I doing wrong?
public abstract class Visibility {
private static final List<VisibilityCreationCallback> creationCallbacks;
static {
creationCallbacks = new ArrayList<VisibilityCreationCallback>();
Reflections reflections = new Reflections(new ConfigurationBuilder()
.setScanners(new ResourcesScanner()));
// ... cut ...
public static Visibility importFromFile(Map<String, Object> importMap) {
for (VisibilityCreationCallback callback: creationCallbacks) {
if (callback.handles(importMap)) {
return callback.create(importMap);
return null;
public class CategoryVisibility extends Visibility{
public static VisibilityCreationCallback makeVisibilityCreationCallback () {
return new VisibilityCreationCallback() {
public boolean handles(Map<String, Object> importMap) {
return importMap.containsKey(classTag);
public CategoryVisibility create(Map<String, Object> importMap) {
return importPD(importMap);
* Test of matches method, of class CategoryVisibility.
public void testMatches1() {
Visibility other = new UnrestrictedVisibility();
CategoryVisibility instance = new CategoryVisibility("A Cat");
boolean expResult = true;
boolean result = instance.matches(other);
assertEquals(expResult, result);
You're just missing the guava library in your classpath, and Reflections requires it. That's the short answer.
The better solution is to use a proper build tool (maven, gradle, ...), and have your transitive dependencies without the hassle.