I used a grouped and stacked diagram of the highcharts library as you can see here: http://jsfiddle.net/152h9qrv/
Now I want to add a tooltip for each stack. When you hover a stack (not a whole group) you should receive all the entry names and data for the stack. I tried to used the shared:true
option but then I receive all the values for the complete group (6 values in my example). Without this option I can only access the hovered element/value.
In my example (http://jsfiddle.net/152h9qrv/): I want to access the names and the values for the three elements of each hovered stack.
Could anybody give me a hint?
You can use tooltip formatter and then find points.
tooltip: {
formatter: function () {
var indexS = this.series.index,
indexP = this.point.x,
series = this.series.chart.series,
out = 'y1:' + this.y + '<br/>';
switch (indexS) {
case 0:
out += 'y2: ' + series[1].data[indexP].y;
case 1:
out += 'y2: ' +series[0].data[indexP].y;
case 2:
out += 'y2: ' +series[3].data[indexP].y;
case 3:
out += 'y2: ' + series[2].data[indexP].y;
return out;