I have a collection of this type:
List<com.liferay.portal.model.Role> ruoli
ruoli = currentUser.getRoles();
that contains 3 elements (I see it using the debugger), each Role object have a name field and the 3 objects into the previos list have the following names: Administrator, Power User and User.
So I am trying to use an iterator to iterate on this list and print the values of the name field of these 3 objects contained into the ruoli list, so I do in this way:
Iterator<Role> iteratorUserRoles = ruoli.iterator();
while (iteratorUserRoles.hasNext()) {
The problem is that it don't show
but in the stacktrace I obtain:
**Power User**
as I expect but I obtain this message:
and then it throws this exception:
2015-01-26 10:20:13,071 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] ERROR commons.CommonsLogger.error(38) - Could not execute action java.util.NoSuchElementException
It seems that the exception is thrown when it try to perform this operation:
Why? What could be the problem? What am I mising? How can I fix this issue and correctly iterate on all the objects into my list?
You are advancing the iterator twice in each iteration.
while (iteratorUserRoles.hasNext()) {
//iteratorUserRoles.next(); remove this
If the iterator has one remaining element and you call iteratorUserRoles.next()
twice, you'll get an exception.